Reserach Project |
Page 12
Public Contribution in
High-Rise Building Design
@ New York City
Center : The City within the City
- The Classical Complex
The Contribution |
There are 3 major issues about Rockefeller
Center in terms of contribution to Public; |
1. Urban Outdoor Open Space |
2. Art Exhibition |
3. The Concourse |
Each of them has their own value to the
public and each of them has some strong relation to others. |
I. Urban Outdoor Open
Space |
The outdoor open space of Rockefeller
Plaza is one of the most famous spots for tourists in New York City
and for many working people in midtown. Many of them walk so far from
their offices to just go, sit and have lunch in Rockefeller Out door Plaza.
Many tourist groups come every 10 minutes to take pictures around the
center. There fore, it is common to see hundreds of people walk around
the complex all day long. The outdoor space can be divided into 3 major
parts; |
1.1. Private Street |
1.2. Sunken Plaza |
1.3. The Channel Garden Promenade |
1.1. Private Street - As it is
called, this street was built inside the land of Rockefeller Group. It
is not the public investment. Visitors who pass this street can easily
sense the different of this street from others in town. The finishing
was the lime stone that has various light colors. It used to be the way
to access by car into the middle of the center, port-cochere for executive
of the 30 Rockefeller Building. But when the time changed and the open
space of the center became extremely successful, the owner decided to
donate this street for the pedestrian. It was changed to become a large
walk way. The small column was set up to block the car from making a circulation.
Some benches were installed to the street to attract the people to use
them and it works. |
However, the benches and the small column
were only for temporary because this space was also planned to be the
multipurpose space for every event in the center. It can be used as a
loading dock for all the back up system of every concert, or the place
for extracting some equipment and elements of making the X'mas Tree. It
is also the spot for placing X'mas tree itself. Or it can be used for
common events such as some fairs. |
It is one of the few obvious examples
of bringing back the urban public space from the automobils to the pedestrians.
1.2. Sunken Plaza - This is the
most famous ice skating rink in the world. It is the most famous spots
for taking pictures in New York City. However, the ice skating rink is
not here all year round. It is only for winter time and gone before early
spring. Prometheus and the fountain are the ones which remain with Rockefeller
Plaza in the sunken court of the center. |
The Sunken Plaza was emphasized by designs in many
ways; |
A. The axis - The sunken plaza is located
on the main axis of the complex which is the promenade through
the 30 Rockefeller. The Prometheus automatically became the focal
point for the visitors from 5th Ave.
B. The planning - there is no such
sunken plaza that was designed with sequential border from the
street level to the plaza itself. Looking around New York City,
if any developers want to create the sunken plaza, what they do
is making the plaza sunk from the street totally, making the rail
for protecting the people from falling and protecting themselves
from lawsuit. And finally making the staircase to link the plaza
to the ground level. But in Rockefeller Sunken Plaza, it is not
that simple to make it become a success.
There are series of landscape elements that
were designed to link the ground level of the street to the sunken
plaza. This issue will be explain in the analysis of the sunken
plaza access.
C. The flag Colonnade - when it is
the time for flag installation, this plaza will be filled with
the flags that represent the wind which is one of the symbols
of life. Furthermore, if all the nations' flags were installed,
the image of the plaza will be changed into international space.
However, if all the flags were raised up, it will be a temporary
enclosure for the sunken plaza that will elevate the prestige
of the plaza into a higher level.
Picture: Poodle shows
obedience instruction at National Dog Weeks,1939 |
Picture: Celebration
of Holidays has given the Center a community role. The bunny garden
was an Easter feature in 1936. |
Picture: Annual Easter
Concert in 1943 was beamed over short wave radio in United States
Troops in Europe and Orient. The chorus were the business people
who work in Rockefeller Center |
Picture: Annual Ice
Skating Activities. |
Sunken Plaza is the space for
creating major activities all year round. In summer, it is the outdoor
café that the people always want to have seats. In winter, it is the ice
skating rink which all New Yorkers have to wait in a long line to play
for a short period. |
3. The Channel Garden Promenade -
It is a walk way that was designed to be the gate for bringing people
into the heart of the center. But it is not only just the common walk
way. The Channel Garden Promenade from Fifth Avenue down to the Sunken
Plaza constitutes probably one of the city's finest public space despite
its relatively small size. Wonderful and very animated fountainheads are
surrounded by benches and lush landscaping that is changed seasonally.
Sometimes this promenade is used for exhibition as an extension space
from the Sunken Plaza or Private Street. At that period this promenade
can be the gateway of the exhibition itself. |
The three elements
combined, result = the greatest urban space in the world |
This Sunken Plaza made the center become so popular
enough to make all developers in town thinking about doing the same thing.
However, of course, not everybody is successful with the idea. Eventhough
the Sunken Plaza is the heart of this urban space, but if only with itself
without the support from the promenade space and the private street, there
will be no such successful place in Mid-town New York. |
The promenade itself is the major way
to attract the people into the city, Prometheus on the fountain inside
the sunken plaza is the focal point that brings the people to walk towards
the heart of the center. The private street is always the space for backing
up all activities. These combinations were actually more complex. However,
it is obvious that each of them can not live without another. It is one
of the of the fundamental rules in designing that once it is completed,
nobody can take anything out of it and nobody can add anything into it.
It became perfect on its own. |